Day 2
Day 3
Day 2
Day 3
9:00 | Chairman Opening Remarks and about the day ahead |
9:15 | Pan Africa Business Coalitions Supporting Governments in the Fight against HIV/AIDS The work of pan-African Business Coalition against HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria and how members are investing resources and expertise to sustain employees’ health and well being in healthy work places and business communities and their partnerships and projects and programs fighting to make AIDS history. |
9:35 | Behavioural Changes Impact on Prevention and Care of Diseases Behavioural change has been a key ingredient in the mix of solutions to prevent the spread of HIV. The public has been taught that multiple sex partners is significant factors spreading HIV and AIDS. But what degree of behavioural changes have taken place in Kenya since the peak of the AIDS epidemic in 2006, and how have they specifically impacted on the spread of AIDS, and what measures are used to test for degrees of changes in behaviour and related impact? |
9:55 | Social Media Reality TV and HIV All around the world social media and reality TV personalities and programs are gripping the local populace like never before. Shows Like Big Brother and national and international social media personalities are impacting national cultures through their programs. How could such programs be exploited to impact the behaviour of ordinary people and lead to increased awareness and prevention of HIV and AIDS making the disease history in Africa? |
10:15 | Kenyan Industry, Manufacturing, Agriculture, and Prevention and Care Health is wealth and wealth brings health! Kenya is among Africa’s most politically stable countries, and the nation’s agriculture and manufacturing industry are the bedrock of the economy, and with the decline of tourism are now the largest contributor of foreign exchange and export earnings. So how have the industries dealt with the challenges of fighting AIDS, Covid-19 and TB among its workforce, while at the same time continue to be key contributors to the economy ? Chairman, Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya |
1O:35 | Sex Tourism and the Spread of HIV and STDs Sex has become another form of tourism in the countries of Africa, especially in East and Southern Africa where many tourism resorts play haven to vice behaviour, more likely to increase the spread of STDs. PPP Programs and projects would be ideal to support tourist resorts where sex businesses thrive, and more importantly support for sex workers to adhere to good standards and behavioural practises, with access to condoms, and visits for voluntary counselling and testing. |
10:55 | NETWORKING COFFEE BREAK SPONSORED Chairman’s remarks and introduction of the next speaker |
11:15 | Using Community Ministries of Diseases to Make AIDS History Achieving zero new infection of HIV by 2025 is realizable with innovative and bold new methodologies that target AIDS as the ENEMY, and commit to fight and rid society from it with empowering Community Ministries teaching good practises to prevent HIV infections inside locations and venues prone to low and high risk behaviour such as casinos, night clubs, bars, internet cafe’s, public taxis, media, shopping malls, and sport venues. |
11:35 | Religious Ministries and how they impact upon AIDS in East Africa Analysis of statistics for Christians and Moslems infected with the HIV virus and living with the disease makes interesting reading. But how are faith leaders and their representative bodies working with each other and the national response strategy to reduce the levels of new HIV infections, and care for people living with the disease? |
11:55 |
Chairman’s remarks and introduction of Presentation defining TB and Malaria |
12:00 | Rolling-Back Malaria in Vulnerable Groups in remote areas Children are the most at risk groups from Malaria suffering from the greatest mortality, especially in rural areas. How Malaria is being eradicated among children in Kenya and Africa will determine the future of the disease on the continent. Director of Public Health and Research, Federal Ministry of Health, Kenya |
12:20 | GeneXpert impact upon TB in Ivory Coast What difference has investment in GeneXpert made on TB in Africa in terms of reducing the burden of disease, diagnostics, and testings, and the challenges surrounding the technology and effective application? |
12:40 | Trade and Industry and infectious diseases Infectious diseases are often directly linked to patients’ economic status, income and education levels; employment capacity and business opportunities. How countries’ business and trade development ministries work to supply resources, economic development and business opportunities will directly impact the burden of diseases, especially in poorer communities. Director General, |
13:00 | LUNCH SPONSORED (Journalists’ Briefing 13:00 to 13:30) Chairman’s introduction and opening remarks about the private sector’s response to infectious diseases and how they are contributing to the work of the public sector |
14:20 | Kenya’s Frontline Public Hospitals Meeting the needs of patients and consumers’ and the capacity to satisfy demand requires that frontline hospitals possess the necessary resources to meet the challenges of diseases. How the frontline hospitals in Kenya meet the challenges of the burden of diseases will directly corelate with the allocation of resources at their disposal. |
14:40 | The Private sector’s response in the EAC region The response of the private sector (businesses, investors, private hospitals, Medicare and NGOs) in the EAC to diseases, and how they are working to partner the public sector with their profits, technology, and management skills. |
15:00 | PEPFAR in Kenya PEPFAR and its partnership with Kenya and how the organization is supporting governments in the region to strengthen health systems and provide citizens with access to cost-effective, quality and affordable health and Medicare |
15:20 | Finance for PPP in EAC What financial and other resources are available in the SADC region to develop and finance Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and what channels are available for local people and organisations to access these resources? |
15:40 | The Media’s role Partnering the National Response Strategy against Disease The work of national broadcast and social media in Kenya and the region to educate, inform, and create awareness among the public, about high risk behaviour, and how they are supporting the national response strategy with their national and regional resistance strategies. Nation Media and Social Media |
16:00 | Challenges of Medicare in Rural Areas Kenya’s rural landscape and levels of HIV infections and how the Medical infrastructure is coping with the challenges of AIDS and other disease in environments lacking resources away from the major communication channels in the cities. |
16:40 | Appraisal of the conference and passing of MOU’s Summary of the event’s content, goals, and future in terms of formats and structures to facilitate the promotion of PPPs in Africa; strategies to influence partners in health development, parliamentarians, and other stakeholders to participate under an umbrella that is pro PPPs and actively seeking opportunities for engagements. Audience and panel involved in a review of the event. Chair person to submit a report for inclusion in the Organizer’s brief; and finally about the timing and destination of the next event. President of the Medical Association Kenya. |
17:15 | End of Day III |